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Transatlantique - Alice Neel

Edited by Fabienne Dumont


Contributors :

Cathryn Boch . Ymane Chabi-Gara . Nina Childress . Marie Docher .

Marlene Dumas . Natacha Lesueur . Deborah de Robertis


Translator : Gauthier Lesturgie and John Tittensor


The work of American artist Alice Neel (1900 – 1984) is marked by a powerful political and social commitment. Down the years, she mainly produced portraits, realistic accounts of the remarkable diversity of America. For Transatlantique, art historian Fabienne Dumont brings together seven European women artists and their views on this exceptional body of work.


Book design : Catherine Barluet and Jean François Maurige

144 pages * 10 x 19 cm * Softcover

Bilingual Edition English / French

ISBN 978-2-493808-01-1

$ 24.00


 Release, September 2022

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